Homeopathy (2024)

Homeopathic medicine

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is derived from the Greek words for "like" and "suffering." The guiding principle behind homeopathy is "like cures like," originates from Egypt and ancient Greece. In the late 18th century, a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann read that quinine-containing Peruvian bark (chinchona) cured malaria. Hahnemann swallowed a dose of Peruvian bark and began to feel feverish, drowsy, extremely thirsty, and agitated, which are all symptoms of malaria. Hahnemann started to experiment more and formed his theory that like cures like, or the Law of Similars: that when a substance in large doses causes certain symptoms, in small doses it can cure these same symptoms.

Herbs and other plants, minerals, venom from snakes, and other substances can be used to make homeopathic remedies. They are diluted again and again and "succussed" or shaken vigorously between each dilution. The process of sequential dilution and succussion is called potentization.

How does homeopathy work?

Homeopathic remedies start with substances, such as herbs, minerals, or animal products. These substances are first crushed and dissolved in a liquid, usually grain, alcohol, or lactose, mechanically shaken, then stored. This is the "mother tincture." Homeopaths then dilute tinctures more with alcohol or lactose, either 1 part to 10 (written as "x") or 1 part to 100 (written as "c"). These tinctures are shaken, yielding a 1x or 1c dilution. Homeopaths can further dilute these tinctures 2 times (2x or 2c), 3 times (3x or 3c), and so forth. Many times professional homeopaths will use much higher dilutions, because they believe the more diluted the substance, the more potent its healing powers.

Homeopathic remedies aim to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. Homeopaths believe that physical disease often has mental and emotional components, so a homeopathic diagnosis includes physical symptoms (such as feverishness), current emotional and psychological state (such as anxiety and restlessness), and the person's constitution. A person's constitution includes qualities related to creativity, initiative, persistence, concentration, physical sensitivities, and stamina. The right remedy for a condition will take all of these aspects into account, so each diagnosis and remedy is individualized. That means 3 people with hay fever could need 3 different prescriptions.

Health food stores and some pharmacies sell homeopathic remedies for a variety of problems. Homeopaths often recommend taking remedies for no more than 2 to 3 days, although some people may need only 1 to 2 doses before they start feeling better. In some cases, homeopaths may recommend daily dosing.

What happens during a visit to the homeopath?

Your first visit to the homeopath can take from 1 to 2½ hours. Because homeopaths treat the person rather than the illness, the homeopath will interview you at length, asking many questions and observing personality traits, as well as unusual behavioral and physical symptoms. The homeopath may also perform a physical examination and possibly order laboratory work.

What illnesses and conditions respond well?

Scientific evidence is mixed. In some clinical trials, homeopathy appeared to be no better than placebo. In other clinical studies, researchers believed they saw benefits from homeopathy. More research is needed.

Preliminary evidence shows that homeopathy may be helpful in treating childhood diarrhea, otitis media (ear infection), asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes), pain, allergies, upper respiratory tract infections, sore muscles, and colds and flu. Some professional homeopaths specialize in treating serious illnesses, such as cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune diseases. In fact, several studies suggest there may be a role for homeopathy in symptom relief and improving quality of life among cancer patients. You should not treat a life-threatening illness with homeopathy alone. Always make sure that all your health care providers know about the therapies you are using.

Homeopathic medicines, because they are diluted, generally do not have side effects. However, some people report feeling worse briefly after starting a homeopathic remedy. Homeopaths interpret this as the body temporarily stimulating symptoms while it makes an effort to restore health. In people who have serious illnesses, these temporary aggravations of symptoms can be very harmful. If you have a serious physical or mental illness, you should only use homeopathy under the guidance of a trained practitioner, and inform everyone on your health care team about any homeopathic medicines you are taking.

Homeopathic medicines that are sufficiently diluted are not known to interfere with conventional drugs, however, if you are currently taking prescription medicines you should consult your doctor if you are considering using homeopathic remedies.

Is homeopathy regulated?

The U.S. Congress passed a law in 1938 declaring that homeopathic remedies are to be regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the same manner as nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. This means you can purchase homeopathic medicines without a doctor's prescription. Unlike conventional prescription drugs and new OTC drugs, which must undergo thorough testing and review by the FDA for safety and effectiveness before they can be sold, homeopathic remedies do not have to undergo clinical trials. They do have to meet legal standards for strength, quality, purity, and packaging. In 1988, the FDA required that all homeopathic medicines list on the label the medical problems they're designed to treat. The FDA also requires the label to list ingredients, dilutions, and instructions for safe use.

The guidelines for homeopathic medicines are found in an official guide, the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, which is written by a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization of industry representatives and homeopathic experts. The Pharmacopoeia also includes provisions for testing new remedies and verifying their clinical effectiveness.

How can I find a qualified practitioner?

To find a homeopathic provider in your area, contact:

  • The Council for Homeopathic Certification: www.homeopathicdirectory.com
  • The National Center for Homeopathy: www.homeopathycenter.org
  • The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians: www.naturopathic.org
  • The North American Society of Homeopaths: www.homeopathy.org
  • Homeopathic Educational Services in Berkeley, California: www.homeopathic.com

There are homeopathic schools and training programs, although no diploma or certificate from any school provides a license to practice. Many homeopaths are also medical doctors (MDs), although homeopaths are licensed in almost every health profession category, including veterinarians. In most states, practitioners of homeopathy must be licensed health care providers. Several respected certification agencies exist. The American Board of Homeotherapeutics certifies medical doctors and doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs) who have specialized in homeopathy (DHt indicates a doctor of homeopathy). Naturopathic doctors study homeopathy extensively as part of their medical training and some are certified by the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (DHANP). All homeopathic practitioners, including chiropractors, nurse practitioners, and acupuncturists, can apply for Certification in Classical Homeopathy (CCH).

Does my medical insurance usually cover homeopathy?

Insurance companies are more likely to cover homeopathy when the person providing the service is a licensed health care professional, such as an MD or DO who also practices homeopathy.


Homeopathy (2024)


Homeopathy? ›

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine based on the theory of treating 'like with like'. Homeopathy claims to stimulate healing responses to diseases by administering substances that mimic the symptoms of those diseases in healthy people.

What is homeopathy and how does it work? ›

Homeopathy is a type of complementary or alternative medicine that's based on the use of highly diluted substances, which practitioners claim can cause the body to heal itself.

What is an example of a homeopathy? ›

For example, the hom*oeopathic remedy Allium cepa is derived from the common onion. Contact with raw onions typically causes lacrimation, stinging and irritation around the eyes and nose, and clear nasal discharge. Allium cepa might be prescribed to patients with hay fever, especially if both nose and eyes are affected.

What is considered homeopathic? ›

What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is an alternative medical practice that was developed in the late 1700s. Homeopathy is generally based on two main principles: that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used in diluted form to treat symptoms and illnesses, a principle known as “like-cures-like”; and.

What defines homeopathic? ›

Listen to pronunciation. (HOH-mee-AH-puh-thee) An alternative approach to medicine based on the belief that natural substances, prepared in a special way and used most often in very small amounts, restore health.

Is homeopathy legitimate? ›

Scientific evidence is mixed. In some clinical trials, homeopathy appeared to be no better than placebo. In other clinical studies, researchers believed they saw benefits from homeopathy. More research is needed.

Do doctors believe in homeopathy? ›

Outside of the alternative medicine community, scientists have long considered homeopathy a sham or a pseudoscience, and the medical community regards it as quackery.

Is homeopathy good or bad for you? ›

NHMRC concluded there is no reliable evidence that homeopathy is effective for any health condition. NHMRC's Statement on Homeopathy indicates that homeopathy should not be used to treat health conditions that are chronic, serious or could become serious.

Is homeopathy legal in US? ›

Laws regulating the practice of homeopathy in the United States vary from state to state. Usually, individuals licensed to practice medicine or another health care profession can legally practice homeopathy. In some states, nonlicensed professionals may practice homeopathy.

Why do people believe in homeopathy? ›

A basic belief behind homeopathy is “like cures like.” In other words, something that brings on symptoms in a healthy person can -- in a very small dose -- treat an illness with similar symptoms. This is meant to trigger the body's natural defenses.

Is there any proof that homeopathy works? ›

Scientists maintain that any benefit of homeopathy can be explained by the placebo effect. No, say homeopaths, as they point to placebo-controlled trials that “prove” homeopathic preparations work. They don't prove any such thing.

Is homeopathy the same as holistic? ›

Homeopathic medicine is an approach to treating disease that utilizes natural remedies and focuses on treating the whole person. Holistic medicine is similar, but holistic practitioners also utilize conventional therapies, such as prescription drugs.

What is the success rate of homeopathy? ›

While conventional doctors had a death rate of 50 per cent, homeopaths cured 80 per cent of their patients. Homeopaths also enjoyed tremendous success in treating cases of yellow fever, typhoid and scarlet fever. Homeopathy had a large impact on the practice of medicine.

What is an example of homeopathy? ›

Homeopathy operates on the principle of “like cures like.” This means that a substance that can cause certain symptoms in a healthy person might be used to treat similar symptoms in someone who is sick. For instance, if you have a cold with a runny nose and watery, irritated eyes, a homeopath might suggest Allium cepa.

What is homeopathy in simple words? ›

: a system of alternative medicine that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce symptoms in healthy persons similar to those of the disease : homeopathic medicine.

What does homeopathic literally mean? ›

Homeo/path/ic literally means. like or same/as disease/refers.

What is the basic principle of homeopathy? ›

The cardinal principle of hom*oeopathy 'Similia Similibus Curentur' (Latin) which is more popularly known as the Law of similars, means - Let like be treated by likes.

What happens in a homeopathic session? ›

During your appointment, a homeopath will ask a number of questions about your mental, emotional, and physical health. They'll prescribe the remedy that best matches all of your symptoms. Then they'll tailor the treatment for you.

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